Wednesday 10 August 2016

Pokemon GO Tips

After weeks and days of painful waiting, Pokemon GO was finally released. The 6th of August marks the beginning of the 'zombie' apocalypse in Singapore, where Pokemon GO players hunt for pokemons rather than human flesh. Mindless players roaming the streets of Singapore, heads down, phone in hand, with only one thought in their mind- "where's the pokemon?"

Exaggeration aside, this is really what Singapore looks like now. The other day I was at NEX with a friend to watch Nerve, and I swear Pokemon GO players were swarming in and out stores and even the library; the roof was overran by them too. 

I have to admit the game is really fun, I'm playing it too but I feel that a lot of people are taking it too far. Like I have friends who hunt for pokemon around Singapore at 3 in the morning. But of course I didn't post this for my readers to listen to me nag about how Pokemon GO ruins our lives (because I'm a player too :-)) 

So here are a couple of tips for Pokemon GO:

1) Pikachu as a STARTER
This is the first mistake that I made while playing Pokemon GO. When you first started, you'd be given a choice of one of the three starters- Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle but if you walk away from them, you'd encounter the fourth secret starter, Pikachu. I think Pikachu is a lot more rare than the starters because it's been three days since I started playing and I've encountered a couple of Bulbasaurs, a Charmander and two Squirtles but ZERO Pikachus!!

2) Don't level up/ evolve anything yet
Another mistake I made was to level up my Golduck and evolve my Weedle, both which have a relatively low CP. I didn't really know how to play the game on the second day and I was like "oh look I can evolve ok yeah I'll just do that." I've learnt that if you evolve a Pokemon with a higher cp, it's evolution will get an even higher CP. You can check this on a CP calculator which tells you how much CP the Pokemon will have when you evolve it. So unless you're really aching to fight in a gym, just wait awhile and see if you can find a Pokemon with a higher CP so that your Pokemon can be even stronger.

3) PokeAlert
Some people may call this cheating and stuff (it's actually condemned by Niantic) but I think it's a pretty cool app. Basically PokeAlert is an app that tells you exactly where the Pokemon is, including the time of its de-spawn. I tried using Poke Radar, which is the same thing, but is super laggy and it doesn't have the timer on it.

4) Play on a vehicle
This kinda beats the objective of the game which is for players to exercise more but this is so much easier. When I'm on the bus or something, I'd turn on the app and wait for the bus to pass by a Pokemon. Unless you enjoy staring at the phone, turn on the vibrations in your Pokemon GO settings and your phone will vibrate when a Pokemon pops up.

5) Turn off AR
There's an AR option on the right hand corner of the screen when you're catching a Pokemon. Turning it off will remove the legit background(?) of where you're at and it makes it easier to catch it because the Pokemon is automatically placed in the middle of the screen.

It's also easier to catch Pokemons when you're in school or working without people noticing heheh. 

6) Method of catching
To increase the catch rate, spin the pokeball with your fingers until little sparks appear and throw it at your Pokemon. But because it is a curve ball, you need to throw it to a side, left or right depending on which direction you spin the ball. 

I'm not really sure about this one but apparantly the size of the little inner circle matters when you throw the pokeball. From experience and friends, I think the bigger the inner circle, the higher the catch rate? I'm not really sure about this so if I'm wrong about it please leave a comment down below.

7) Transferring
You can only store 250 Pokemons in your phone. "Oh no so how am I gonna catch more Pokemons??" There's a transfer button on every Pokemon which you can use to get more PokeSpace (I just came up with this). You should transfer all the pokemons with very low CPs bc they're useless anyway and in exchange, you get 1 candy for it. 

8) Eevee evolution
I'm sure many of you are wondering "what's my Eevee gonna transform into...? I hope I get a Vaporeon" (A Vaporeon has the highest base stats, followed by Flareon and Jolteon). Just change the name of your eevee before evolving it- Vaporean--> Rainer, Flareon--> Pyro and Jolteon--> Sparky.

9) Heavy bag
Because I live at a Pokestop, I can get like 13401438 items a day easily which contributes to my super heavy and filled bag. Unless you upgrade the size of your bag, you can only have 350 items in it so what I do is I delete Potions to make space for other more important items like Revives and Pokeballs. My friend deletes his razzberries though.

10) Eggs
There are 3 types of eggs in Pokemon GO- 2.0km, 5.0km and 10.0km. And you have to walk the distance in order for the egg to hatch. The greater the distance, the rarer the pokemon is and so far, the only 10.0 km egg I got hatched me an Eevee...

Thank you to my friend @kageyami_law7 for teaching me how to play this game like a pro B)


Also I've included a follow button on my blog. If you want to be notified whenever I post, hit the follow button at the right hand side of the page. 

Thanks for reading!

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