Wednesday 27 July 2016

SECRET to Lose Weight Quickly- Freeletics

NOTE: I've started another blog ( and I won't be updating this blog anymore

"It's because I don't have time to go to the gym."

"Oh look it's raining. I guess I can't go jogging today."

"Yeah... I'll just work out tomorrow."

Do all these sound familiar to you? Because that's what I say all the time in the past (except I don't go to the gym). Recently I've downloaded a free workout app called Freeletics. It's basically an app with different sets of exercises for different parts of the body. It's a really short workout and the best part is, you can conduct it anywhere!

At the start of the year, I was gaining a lot of weight; my pants became tighter and my belly was getting flabbier but I never had the motivation to exercise because I hate jogging, swimming and playing basketball doesn't really help with weight loss unless I play competitively. So I was really glad when I came across Freeletics.

I've tried out a few workouts and I find that Metis and Morpheus really fit my requirements. I'll talk about Metis because it's my regular and I find it more effective

I read from a website that burpees are really good cardio exercises because you have to use almost every part of your body to do one burpee and I find that to be true because I always get really tired when I do them. What makes this exercise so good is that it requires every part of your body to move- arms, core and legs for burpees, arms and core for froggers and legs for high jumps. Don't be discouraged if you can't finish it the first time. The screenshot above is actually the 'Strength' version of Metis so if you're new at this, maybe you should try the 'Standard' version.

I think one reason why Freeletics is so efficient is because it has a timer and a Personal Best system and I try to get a new highscore no matter how tired I am. 

After doing a month plus of Freeletics, I lost around 4 kg and my waist got 2 inches smaller, which isn't actually a good thing because now my clothes are a bit too big. But yeah if you're trying to slim down, you should really try it out!

Thanks for reading!

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