So, I've decided to be nice and volunteer to help at snow city... I'm not sure why but maybe cause Christmas is coming around and of course, who doesn't want to be on Santa's good list.
The place was flooded with people. I had a hard time finding the beneficiary child I was assigned to.
10 people got grouped together and voila... Team 1 and 2!
It was freezing cold in the ice room thingy (let's just call it a ice room :3)
We had 2 'missions' to complete inside- Slide down the icy slope in a yellow tube and complete a puzzle and the other one is to slide down the icy slope again and burst a balloon at the bottom.
We kept asking "Did my ears drop off?" "Is my ears still here?" when we're queuing it was damn fun even though it was freezing cold! :D
InJie, Han Yuan and I tried blowing and tying the balloon before sliding down. I had to take off the fat puffy gloves before tying and I got shoved down the slope gloveless and I had to cling on to a rope at the side. OH MAN THAT HURTS! ><
It was free time after that and it was kinda obvious what everyone will do- snowball fight >:D

haha look at Ethel's face :3
And the volunteers get a shirt too :D
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