I've always been a the-book-is-better-than-the-movie kind of person until I watched the first Maze Runner movie. Wanting to have a better experience when I watch the other movies, I stopped myself from reading the second and third books afterwards because I didn't want to spoil the story for myself.
For once, the movie is better than the book.
And the second movie, The Scorch Trials didn't let me down.

I never really understood the feeling of 'oh this movie kept me at the edge of my seat' even though I used it quite a lot in my previous movie reviews. But for this movie review, I can finally say that it kept me at the edge of my seat because it really did. The actors, storyline, all-surround sound made me feel that I was in the movie. I was so engrossed in the movie that I thought that I was in the Scorch with Thomas and Minho, that I was clinging on my life for survival.
At times when the characters were running and parkouring around, it made me stomp on the ground because I thought I had to run for my life too. Though, it wasn't just the action scenes that were amazing. There were no boring and irrelevant scenes, not even when the actors were plain talking.
Let's not forget the amazing storyline with one mind-blowing plot twists after the other which really got me wondering what's going to happen next in the movie. The characters and story were developed so well that it could easily invoke emotions out of the audience (maybe just me but still ). Hope, despondency, anger, relief and fear. All these emotions welled up inside me as the movie played as if it was really happening to me
Although Maze Runner is a popular movie and I think it was just released, the cinema wasn't fully filled which is quite unexpected. Maybe it's because I have a liking for escape-and-survive stories such as Lorien Legacies so this post is 95% bias but for those who are Maze Runner fans, this movie will surely pump up your adrenaline even when you're seated down.
(ending off with my favourite character's poster)
"The Maze is one thing, but you' kids won't last one day in the Scorch"
Ratings: 5/5 stars ★★★★★