NOTE: I've started another blog ( and I won't be updating this blog anymore
So I was watching Captain America: Winter Soldier and I can't help thinking of The Avengers with our favorite heroes Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America but no Spider-Man.
So I was watching Captain America: Winter Soldier and I can't help thinking of The Avengers with our favorite heroes Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Captain America but no Spider-Man.

So I was thinking,
1) Spider-man's not brave enough.
The first thing he did when he got his powers was make a suit with a mask.

And while he's trying so hard to hide he's identity from everyone, Tony Stark (from Iron-Man 3) told everyone his name and address so that his enemy can find him.

2) He's not smart enough?
When I say smart I mean planning on how to take on his enemies. Spider-Man's smart... like street smart not Tony Stark or Steve Rogers. There isn't really much planning(maybe no planning at all)on how to fight his enemies. It's all just wreck less fighting and swinging around.

3) He's not strong
Have you seen Hulk's muscles? Well they're big, real big. I'm not saying agility isn't good but Spider-Man got his ass kicked really bad.

4) The most important thing
He doesn't have a beard. Thor has one and a big hammer :) (Ok this is lame)

I don't hate Spider-Man. In fact, he's my 2nd favourite super hero! It's really awesome and to swing around and climb walls.

This post is just my thoughts on why he wasn't chosen in the Avengers movie
Thanks for reading :)